Available Services
Health Leads To Happiness
On-Line Golf
Fitness Training
Train with me on Zoom!
It is easy and fun!
No driving to the gym.
No gym membership.
Train in the comfort of your home.
Exercise equipment you will need to start:
Stability Ball
Floor mat
Bands with handles
Circular bands
Dumbbells: 5, 8, and 10lbs
Rehab - Shoulders, Low Back Pain
These Programs are designed to help people that are in pain from
Being too tight
Over worked muscles
Weak muscles
Surgery therapy before and after.
Continue your workout program after you are done with physical therapy.
Keep strong preventing injury!
Shoulder, knees, or back problems.
TPI Screenings
TPI Screening is best way for me evaluate your current
Identify any limitations you might have.
How is your mobility & balance?
Are your shoulders tight?
What about your low back, are you able to play 2 - 3 days in a row without low back pain or getting fatigued?
There are 16 exercises used to determine how well you move.
From there we put together a program specific for you.
Posture Correction
Poor posture can cause you to develop:
Pain in shoulders
Putting strain on your spine
Bones, leading to deformities and fatigue.
Great golf players have really good posture.
Which helps you to play to your best potential and decrease getting hurt and injured.
Find out more about this program.
On - Demand Golf Fitness Programs
Improve your golf game like never before, with specific exercises that the top golf pros use to stay in the top form!
Get a educated evaluation with the best in golf fitness with a TPI Screening! From here we can see what you need to fix.
On - Demand Golf specific workouts, you will see a huge difference in what your doing on your own, and what you should be doing.
Workouts are 30 or 50 mins.
Programs include:
Strength Training for better control and power to hit longer drives.
Specific training programs for shoulder, knee, or low back problems.
Flexibility, mobility and Balance Programs.
Endurance to play more days of the week!
E-Book - Self Care Foam Rolling for people 50 and over
E-Book - Self Care Foam Rolling for people 50 and over!
Is great for beginners, and people who would like help putting together a program, of how to roll out different areas of the body, how to put this all together.
How often should you foam roll?
What is best way to foam roll for people 50 and up.

Golf Specific Training
A TPI fitness screening will help you to realize just how important movement is in relating to your golf swing. You will be asked to perform 13 different movements, which will be assessed on if you are able to do the exercise or not. This will tell me how well your body can move and support itself during the golf swing. The screen requires no equipment and is quick; it takes approximately one hour or less. If possible the screening will be done live on Zoom.
After you have done the TPI fitness screening, we will see which movements you have the most problems with. Address these areas and help you to fix swing faults that are preventing you from playing your best!
A golf-specific program is a 3-month program, that will help in all areas of your golf game! From stability, balance, flexibility, and power. Learn the best way to train and which exercises are best for you!
After your 3-month program, you can continue your training by signing up for another 3-month program or one month at a time.